Well, for those of us that spend enough time on there, we notice the little things, sometimes because it's us doing them. Like, something is for sale really cheap (or even better, FREE!!) and it disappears quickly only to reappear a few days later at closer to regular market value. Fair enough, I've done it myself. But this particular one caught my eye.
The other day just as I got home, someone had posted a dresser for free. Free is my favourite price by the way. The dilemma? Well, besides the fact that I don't have a truck (that's often a problem), was that it was way out in Charleswood, near the Perimeter, on the end of someone's driveway. So even if I did have a truck there would be no guarantee that after I hauled my butt to the other end of the universe that it would still be there.
A few hours later, an ad popped up for what I am 95% sure is the same dresser - for $50. Again, good on him/her that picked it up - who doesn't love free money? But this is where it gets a little weird... over the course of the last few days this person has continually upped the price. First to $60. Then to $80. Then to $100!! As I write this, it's down to $80 again.
Now, by no means do I begrudge this person the opportunity to make free money, whatever the amount; it's just strange that they kept upping the price, usually sellers start high and slowly come down. But this ad has been posted and taken down easily 5 times in the last week, each time with a different price!
This whole thing also just leads me to daydream about this weekend being Giveaway weekend - it takes a ridiculous amount of self-restraint for me not to beg/borrow/steal a truck and cruise the streets looking for treasure.You also know that next weekend, a good chunk of it will be listed on kijiji or in a well-timed yard sale.
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